Omega Group Wiki

Although a Battlestar has significant fabrication facilities, being able to construct an entire Viper from internal resources, large scale manufacture is energy consuming and inefficient.

Thus a ship must maintain a significant stock of spare parts in inventory at all times. The Quartermaster is the person responsible for the requesting of parts from the Fleet and maintaining the stock and inventory of all spare parts. All request for supplies are passed to the Quartermaster, who check and send the final request to the XO for final approval. A good Quartermaster is never caught short on supplies.

The Quartermaster trains and supervises crewmen in general operations, repairs, and protocols and sets the agenda for instruction in general ship and base operations; maintains the ship's log, the ship's clock, and watch and duty assignments for all enlisted personnel; may assume any CIC (i.e. CONN) or Operations role as required; and is qualified to temporarily act as Commanding or Executive Officer if so ordered.

Quartermasters ensure that all officers and crew perform their duties consistent with Fleet directives. The Quartermaster reports to the Executive Officer.

Omega Group Operations Simming Positions
Assistant Chief Operations Officer Chief Operations Officer Operations Officer Quartermaster
For the Simming Positions Portal click here